Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is inauspicious on a Friday...

And yes, the two incidents am going to mention happened on a Friday....and hey!no..it was not 13 Friday! But just an ordinary date. My little one who was sitting on the kitchen slab, near the cooking range was pestering me to contribute her two bits in cooking...finally frustrated with my resistance, she stood up on the slab...oops! Christ! What if the little one falls over on to the grill!! I say this aloud and from behind comes my mothers worried voice - Ouch! Its a Friday! and she is a girl! I put down the little one on the floor and turn to mother with a surprised look...i said, "But she will be hurt..that's my worry and what is that got to do with a Friday!!!" Mother was busy hustling the little one out of the kitchen while letting me know that it is inauspicious for girls to get burn injuries on a FRIDAY!!! I was speechless for a while....I could not believe mother was concerned the little one would fall over the grill on a Friday and not that the little one is only 3 yrs old!! ... I did not think it was wise to debate more on this and turned back to my cooking....

Two hours after the above incident...we were getting dressed to step out...I was as usual, looking for my ear rings....hmmmm....did not find them and turned to my traditional-looking gold ear studs...I wore one of them and as I was screwing the second one, the screw fell down and rolled somewhere under the cot..or I thought so....Mother was getting the little one dressed up and was sitting on the cot. I went down on all fours and looked for the screw...to hear mother say...Hmm..its a Friday! I raised myself up and asked her..so what? To which Mother said, it is inauspicious to lose gold on a Friday!!!! I was at a loss of words to this statement. "Mother, it is the screw that I am looking for and we are getting late. It does not matter if its a Friday or a Wednesday but its just that I need it now, if you want to go shopping".

I decided to pen this on a Tuesday...whether it is inauspicious or not, I do not know...and neither do i want to know! :-)

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