Monday, January 16, 2017

Why I have a bucket list for ME :)

My bucket list is not a long to-do things in a lifetime... at least for me. The list includes things that I do not want to do and wish someone else does for me.

The bucket list contain things like standing up in class when asked to stand up if the class project is not done. Wish someone else stands up, not me,

To sit for my Math exam and solve just the sums that greet me saying Hi, stranger!

To say No, to a love letter from someone I dread to even look at in college :D

When I have to choose between Mom and Dad when they have an argument!

The bucket list of what I don't want to do also has wish someone takes the side for me, when two of my best friends stop talking to each other!

 Wish someone else would feel the pain when a new shoe bites me :)

Wish someone else’s heartbreak if Farhan Akthar finds his ‘girl’ :D (I don’t want this to happen….the finding part, I meant)

List wishes someone else to get scared and scream when watching a horror flick and get strange looks from other in the theatre or the scorn from family if watching at home.

Wish I don't have to ask for my pads from the pharmacy manned by men (Yeah, am no feminist to walk in there, slam the table, look straight into their eyes and demand "Whisper!)

Wish I don't have to be the first in the traffic row when light turns red... because will have less time to check my WhatsApp! :D

The bucket list has things like wish I don't see a still escalator at office when about to check in and the formidable staircase beckons me... wish someone else would climb it for me... :D

Bucket list says wish someone folds the clothes from the clothesline at the end of the day when all I want to do is sleeeeep!

Bucket list says, wish I don't have to be told "working women are to spend 'quality time' with family by any social cultural custodians on a TV panel! I can lip synch such lines.... beaten to death this topic is, yet is told in abundance!

My bucket list gets new member almost every time I wince, says "Oh! No", Jeez, here it comes!... But why me... types of statement. My bucket list is different.... it has only things which someone else can do for me :D

Err... did you call me lazy bones?

Hehehe.... just for 5 days a year, wish to be so... and no, this is not in my bucket list but "Bouquet list"! The ones, I will do... be they be outrageous, strictly no-no, dangerous for my "age" or sheer jealousy! :)

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